
9 Best Approaches Of Making Time For People

Time never stands; it keeps going. It is an easy and positive approach to think that tomorrow will be better. You can do a lot of new things for a better life. Every day is a chance to change your life. You can improve relationships by making time for your beloved ones. In this article, I will share some essential tips that help you make time for people.

Making time for people Quotes:

Many authors have written inspirational quotes about time and making time for others. I discussed a few of them here to motivate and inspire you;

  1. The key is not spending time, but investing it.”– Stephen R. Covey.
  2. “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”– William Shakespeare
  3. Suspect each moment, for it is a thief, tiptoeing away with more than it brings.”– John Updike
  4. “It’s strange how time can make a place shrink, make its strangeness ordinary.”– Veronica Roth.
  5. “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”– Mother Teresa.
  6. “Save the excuses. It’s not about “having” time. It’s about making time. If it matters, you will make time.”– Unknown.
  7. “Make time for it. Just get it done. Nobody ever got strong or got in shape by thinking about it. They did it.”– Jim Wendler
  8. “It is time you have wasted for your rose that makes it so important.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.
  9. “Time is a cruel thief to rob us of our former selves. We lose as much to live as we do to death.”– Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey.
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Strategies for making time for people:

Making time for people is an essential strategy for developing good relationships with others. Here are some basic strategies for making time for people.

  • Get out of your negative and limiting beliefs about people.
  • Be available during their tough time.
  • Enhance your social circle.
  • Find out a simple way that makes everyone happy.
  • Make it valuable and purposeful.
  • Have a second option for making them happy.
  • Focus on the basic needs of your family and friends.
  • Find basic things that work for them.

9 Best and simplest ways of making time for people:

Here are the best ways to make your time for people to improve relationships:

1. Focus on things that matter to you: 

Everyone should focus on those things important to them. When you focus on important things in life, it ultimately saves your time from being useless. It is a source of joy and comfort. Spend time with your beloved ones and people that care about you and love you. You should be conscious of what is meaningful and productive for you.

2. Give proper attention to those who value and make time for you:

Never disappoint those who make time for you and value you. Make time for them properly and never ignore them. They could have made time for you from multiple tasks in their life. So, it would be best if you made time for them also. Thinking of it from that positive perspective will encourage you to make time for that person more. Keep admiring their efforts for you and do something for them in return.

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3. Do not waste your time on those who aren’t giving time to you:

Time and attention are beautiful gifts that we can give to someone. When you give time and respect to someone, you expect the same from another side. But if you feel that same response is not returning to you, leave the place. Always be available for those who deserve your time and attention.

You are worthy of receiving attention without having to put so much effort into it.

4. Start with little things and take better care of yourself:

Start doing little things to make people happy and make time for them. First of all, take better care of yourself and do something for others. Take extra care of yourself. Your little steps will bring a massive change in life.

5. Initiate long and kind conversations with loved ones:

Never wait for a suitable time to come for a conversation with your beloved ones. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment, go and start a conversation with them. Do this even if you are busy or have no time. Please do not wait for them to start talking to you, do it by yourself first. They will feel happy and fabulous.

6. Listen to others according to their expectations without judgment:

Sometimes attention is required rather than time. Some people around you need a few words of consolation and kindness. Never miss that moment. Listen to the care and never judge them. This takes intention rather than a lot of time. Do not pass judgment on and never break their expectations on you. Just take some time to listen instead of speaking.

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7. Send a handwritten note instead of emails and text messages:

Sending a handwritten note to your family member or friend makes a huge difference. It makes them happy. It may take a little more time, but it is highly worthy.

8. Keep work and leisure time separate:

For making time for people, keep the work and leisure time separate and clearly defined. Divide time into different parts for people and work. This will bring time management to your life, and you can manage time for people in your circle. It is OK to take work home or plan for it over the weekends. But, never allow your work to interrupt your relationships. Make time for family and try to keep them happy with your presence.

9. Avoid multi-tasking:

Multitasking reduces productivity and efficiency in doing things. It damages relationships at work as well as at home. Just focus on one task at one time and do it well. Multi-tasking usually leads you into trouble and disturbs life. You cannot make time for others if you do this activity, which ultimately spoils relationships.



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